QAN TestNet Docs


Learn about the fundamental definitions and terms used in the QAN blockchain platform.


With each data transaction taking place on the blockchain, it is documented and stored as a data block. These blocks form a chain of data. Blocks are arranged in a specific order, with new blocks added at the end of the chain. Each block includes a unique identifier called a hash, which references the previous block. This is an important security feature of blockchain technology that makes it incredibly difficult to tamper with the ledger.


Blockchain is an unchangeable digital ledger that is collectively shared, enabling the seamless recording of transactions and monitoring of assets within a network. Assets can encompass both tangible items like houses, cars, cash, and land, as well as intangible entities such as intellectual property, patents, copyrights, and branding. Virtually any valuable item can be traced and exchanged on a blockchain network, leading to decreased risks and reduced expenses for all participants involved.

Blockchain Explorer

Blockchain Explorer provides a visual representation of a blockchain.It is an essential tool for both developers and non-technical users to monitor blockchain activities and gain insights into the transparency and immutability of decentralized networks. QANscan is the blockchain explorer of the QAN TestNet.


Decentralized applications (DApps), or smart contracts are applications that operate autonomously on top of a blockchain without the need for a central authority. Developers can deploy DApps on the QAN TestNet.


Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in an isolated environment. You can install QAN XLINK through Docker, eliminating the need for direct installation on your computer.


Ethereum-compatible refers to a system, tool, or software that aligns with Ethereum and its ecosystem. Since QANplatform is not only EVM-compatible but also Ethereum-compatible, it seamlessly works and integrates with tools like MetaMask from the Ethereum ecosystem.


EVM-compatible refers to a system or blockchain platform that adheres to the same execution model and bytecode format as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This compatibility allows smart contracts and DApps developed for Ethereum, or any EVM-compatible blockchain, to be deployed and executed on these platforms without significant modifications. As QANplatform is EVM-compatible, you can deploy smart contracts on the QAN TestNet that were previously deployed on Ethereum or on any EVM-compatible blockchain.


Faucet is a tool that gives you testnet tokens (QANX). Just like a traditional faucet dispenses water, the QAN TestNet Faucet dispenses test tokens. Developers and users can request these tokens for free, enabling them to conduct various tests, simulate transactions, deploying smart contracts, etc.


MetaMask is a self-custodial wallet that can function as the QAN TestNet wallet. You can use MetaMask, along with other EVM-compatible wallets, to receive and send QANX.


Blockchains consist of a group of computers known as nodes. These nodes work together to synchronize the blockchain’s data, handle transaction requests, and reach consensus on the validity of those transactions.

Private key

A private key is like a password or access code associated with a crypto wallet address (also known as public key). It encrypts transactions to prevent unauthorized access to assets.

Proof-of-Authority (PoA)

Proof-of-Authority (PoA) is a consensus mechanism. PoA operates in a comparable way to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) in terms of block validation on a technical level. However, there is a significant difference that sets them apart. While PoS assigns a validator’s queue and importance based on the tokens they have staked, PoA assigns a validator’s queue based on their predetermined identity and reputation.

Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

Instead of requiring miners or validators to use computationally intensive infrastructure, Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a consensus algorithm that selects block validators based on their ownership stake in the network. The stake weight is determined by factors such as the quantity of tokens staked and the duration of staking.

Public key

A public key facilitates the reception of cryptocurrency transactions. It's a cryptographic code paired with a private key. Although anyone can send transactions to the public key, the private key is necessary to "unlock" them and validate ownership of the cryptocurrency received in the transaction.

QAN API Methods

QAN API Methods can be used by developers who prefer not to use SDKs but would like to interact with a blockchain using specific API calls in their preferred programming language.

QAN TestNet

Most blockchains have their own testnets, which provide platforms for developers to test their decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts in a controlled environment without spending actual funds for testing purposes. The QAN TestNet serves the purpose of battle-testing the QAN blockchain platform before launching the QAN MainNet Beta.

QAN XLINK a custom cross-signature protocol. This protocol enables seamless integration of every Ethereum-compatible wallet (such as MetaMask and Trust Wallet) with quantum-resistant signature-capable keypairs.


QANbuild is a no-code smart contract studio that allows you to experiment with and generate smart contracts interactively in minutes.


QANscan is the blockchain explorer of the QAN TestNet. You can explore transactions, blocks, addresses, and more in real-time, just like you do on Etherscan and BscScan.

Quantum-resistant blockchain

A quantum-resistant blockchain is designed to withstand attacks from quantum computers. Unlike non-quantum-resistant blockchains, which typically rely on mainstream cryptography like Elliptic Curve (EC) cryptography, a quantum-resistant blockchain employs post-quantum cryptography. In alignment with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)'s primary recommendations, QANplatform incorporates CRYSTALS-Dilithium algorithm into QAN XLINK.


QAN Virtual Machine (QVM) is a Turing-complete execution engine for smart contracts and DApps on the QAN blockchain platform, similar to Ethereum's EVM.


Software Development Kit (SDK) is a library that makes it easier for developers to interact with a blockchain with specific API calls in their preferred programming language.

Seed phrase

Accessing a wallet necessitates the provision of a unique and confidential 12-24-word seed phrase. The loss of this seed phrase results in the irretrievable loss of wallet access and the inability to recover your assets. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to securely store your wallet’s secret seed phrase.

Smart contract

Contrary to public misbelief, smart contracts are neither smart nor contracts. They are computer programs running on the blockchain, designed to automatically execute predefined parameters. The terms are coded directly into the program’s lines and stored on a decentralized blockchain network. When specific conditions outlined in the code are met, the smart contract is executed automatically. Once the code is run, it cannot be undone or modified. Thanks to QANplatform’s Multi-Language Smart Contract feature, developers can build smart contracts in any programming language and deploy them to the QAN TestNet.


QANX’ is the name of the testnet token that can be freely requested from the Faucet. QANX serves as the utility token of the QAN TestNet, required for paying for specific blockchain functions such as transactions and smart contract deployment.

Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is a self-custodial wallet that can function as the QAN TestNet wallet. You can use Trust Wallet, along with other EVM-compatible wallets, to receive and send QANX.

Virtual Machine (VM)

A Virtual Machine (VM) is a software-based emulation of a physical computer system, enabling multiple operating systems (OS) or software applications to run on a single physical hardware platform. We strongly recommend developers to run qvmctl and any development related to the QAN TestNet in a separate VM for security purposes.


A wallet represents a vital tool in the realm of blockchain, serving as a secure and anonymous digital wallet that empowers users to effectively manage tokens.

Wallet address

A wallet address, which is also called as crypto address or blockchain address is a special combination of characters that acts as a representation of a wallet used to receive, store, send cryptocurrency. It’s like a real-life address, bank account, or an email address. Blockchain addresses are public and often called “public keys”. For testing purposes, always use a new address instead of your current cryptocurrency holding address.

